
Twincruiser Tours Newsletter

Bremgarten, August 31, 2021
Hello reader
Soon, I will have two years of Covid-19 or Coronavirus or Sars-Cov-2 behind me.
I cannot say, that it was challenge as business has simply been down to practically zero.
One day country XYZ is on a “No-Go” or quarantine list of a certain country but not on the list of another country. A week later, it is taken off that list, but it stays on the list of another country. It does not make sense or let’s rather say that I do not understand the logic behind it as even within the European community there are differences from one country to the next.
What I have learned is that travelling has become a kind of lottery game and that it will no longer be, has it used to be.
All these restrictions and most important, constant changes have made, that people do feel unsure. It is difficult to gain the right, trustworthy information, through that, people feel insecure and therefore cancel their travel plans.
I stay on the ball and update my information on my website on a regular basis. Should you have questions or need information, then contact me. Tell it also to your friends, I am here to help anyone also non-motorcyclists.
Note that, yesterday the USA has declared Switzerland a Level 4: Do not travel.
See this address, that we did not link as it will change again.

Switzerland Travel Advisory
Next week, the European Bike week in Austria, the biggest motorcycles gathering in Europe will definitely take place. I wonder what the outcome will be and how many people took part in it.
Then in about six weeks our motorcycle-season will be gone, the first snow will have fallen, and our motorcycles are back in their hibernation until Spring 2022.
I do send only about six newsletters per year. Most changes are on my website. Keep on watching and stay in touch. I look forward to any of your replies and ideas.
We have a saying: “Hope, is the last thing that dies”; in that context, I wish you all the best of health and hope to see you in 2022.

Best regards, Kurt
kurt stauffer laughing
Twincruiser Tours
Hohstalenweg 11
PO Box
3047 Bremgarten near Bern
>Mobile: +41 79 763 60 07
E-Mail: Kurt Stauffer
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