
Twincruiser Tours Newsletter

Bremgarten, April 23, 2022
Hello reader
As from Monday, May 2nd, 2022, Switzerland will lift the last remaining entry restrictions due to the Covid pandemic.

Travelers, and tourists from abroad may again enter Switzerland or apply for a visa as usual or as before Covid-19.

The "blacklist" of the high-risk countries will disappear.

Is everything back to normal, respectively as it was before Covid-19?

No, I am afraid not. Travel is not a need, a must have! When things go bad, people tend to save first on their hobbies and on travelling.

Various facts are disrupting the return of confidence to travel. Inflation rises all over the world, and there are still risks that includes Covid-19 variants as well as the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

The pandemic has most likely hit the tourism industry the hardest. People were limited in their freedom of movement due to the restrictions and laws.

It had some positive consequences too. People got closer to each other. Family had another meaning. Suddenly, Papa and Mama had to share the home-office with their children. It was a challenge to work and care for the kids. They had to find time and to occupy the children. Teachers were no longer available and responsible for the children. The flat, the apartment, the house, in short, home, became another meaning, it was appreciated again.

People got to know their own country. Instead of traveling around the world, they traveled in their own neighborhoods and got to know their own surroundings more deeply.
Alternative tourism replaced mass tourism, less replaced more, quality replaced quantity and we got all richer of a new life experience.

Rules, laws, and restrictions are slowly easing and there is a glimmer of light that tourist numbers should start to recover.

The season for motorcycling has not started yet, as we still have snow over the Alps and the roads are not open for the public yet.

I keep on hoping and count on your support!

Keep healthy and safe, Kurt
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Twincruiser Tours
Hohstalenweg 11
3047 Bremgarten near Bern
>Mobile: +41 79 763 60 07
E-Mail: Kurt Stauffer
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